The Executive Team make up the top management tier of National Museums NI and is responsible for day-to-day operations and for the implementation of strategy.
Trustees bring a wide range of skills, backgrounds, perspectives and professional experience, which is used to ensure National Museums NI best serves the public with its available resources. Trustees also have a vital role to act as ambassadors for the work of National Museums NI, both in gathering support for large projects and, equally importantly, in ensuring the widest possible understanding of our collections and services.
Mrs Deirdre Bryce
Appointed 1 July 2020
Mrs Bryce has worked in a number of senior roles for the BBC and is currently the Executive Producer of factual output for BBC Studios in Aberdeen. Before that she worked for BBC Northern Ireland, most recently as an Executive Producer overseeing a range of television output. She was formerly Manager of Production in which she had responsibility for strategic planning and successfully implemented plans to deliver on the aims of the BBC.
She also has board experience having served on the boards of the Northern Ireland Co-ownership Association, including on its Governance committee, the Celtic Media Festival and as Chair of Replay Theatre Production Company.
Mrs Bryce has an interest in heritage and culture, having worked collaboratively with National Museums NI during her time at BBC Northern Ireland. This includes two major projects with the Ulster Folk Museum and a number of major projects with the Ulster Museum.
She has served as deputy chair of the General Purpose and Finance Committee for National Museums NI and is currently vice chair of the Audit and Risk committee.
She holds the Diploma in Company Direction from the Institute of Directors. She has not undertaken any political activity in the last five years and holds no other public appointments.
She has not undertaken any political activity in the last five years and holds no other public appointments.
Miss Charlotte Jess
Appointed 1 July 2020; appointed Vice Chair September 2022
Ms Jess is the Websites Manager at Texthelp, a world leader in the development of technologies to support reading and writing. She is responsible for leading the vision to develop digital journeys and engagement, and ensuring the digital presence drives growth, engages visitors, and represents the brands.
Ms Jess has led digital transformation across varied organisations and sectors, developing digital growth strategies to reach out to a wide range of audiences and stakeholders, via tactics such as social media, virtual experiences, marketing automation, data analysis and digital content. Formerly, as Website Manager at Queen’s University Belfast, she managed a large digital presence supporting global university activity.
As the former Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Crescent Arts Centre, she led the organisation through a period of transformational strategic and governance change.
She has not undertaken any political activity in the last five years and holds no other public appointments.
Mr William Duddy
Appointed 1 July 2020
Mr Duddy is a Chartered Civil Engineer and has worked in a range of managerial posts, including in NI Water where (as Director of Customer Services) he had responsibility for implementing government policy during the establishment of the Government owned Company. He has experience of identifying, evaluating and managing risks through strategic planning, effective project management and promoting good governance. Mr Duddy has financial management experience within a range of teams including identification of key financial issues and effective use of resources. He has experience across a number of sectors (voluntary and public) including commercial skills with particular interest in museums and the arts. As a keen amateur musician, Mr Duddy is also a Trustee of the England-based Nonsuch Dulcimer Club.
He has not undertaken any political activity in the last five years and holds no other public appointments.
Mr William McMullan
Appointed 1 July 2021; appointed Chairperson of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee March 2023
Mr McMullan has a Mechanical Engineering background, starting work as an apprentice and progressed through part-time and full-time study to complete a HND in Mechanical Engineering and postgraduate qualifications in Personnel and Training. He has held senior Human Resource and General Management positions and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and an Associate of the Chartered Management Institute.
Mr McMullan has been the Director of Strategic Services at CITB NI since joining the organisation in 2004. He has responsibility for Careers, Marketing, Research & Development, IT, Standards and Qualifications, Heritage training and engaging with the NI construction industry and stakeholders to understand the training needs of the sector to ensure the standard and provision of training is sufficient to meet the training needs of the industry through the development and delivery of appropriate training strategies.
He has not undertaken any political activity in the last five years and holds no other public appointments.
Mr Robert Whan
Appointed 1 July 2020; appointed Chairperson of the General Purposes and Finance Committee September 2022
Dr Whan is Customer Experience Manager at Queen’s University Belfast. He is a Fellow of both the Royal Historical Society and the Higher Education Academy, a Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Ireland Committee Member and North-South Liaison Officer with the Library Association of Ireland. Previous positions he has held include being Director of Armagh Robinson Library (2018-2022) and Assistant Keeper of Collections for Newry, Mourne and Down District Council. He has experience of identifying key financial issues with a view to achieving financial sustainability, and an appreciation of the influence and contribution that museums can make to society.
He has not undertaken any political activity in the last five years and holds no other public appointments.